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 Home » Alarm » Auto-Phone dialer for alarm security system
Auto-Phone dialer for alarm security system    
The circuit consists of a small PIC microcontroller, assembly program, and a few other parts to detect a switch closure from an open door, window, or manual push button and then dial the cell phone number, and transmit a steady tone to indicate the source of the call. 
The circuit uses the pulse dialing system to interrupt the line connection a number of times to indicate each digit. Pulse dialing (the oldest form of dialing) works by actually disconnecting or "hanging up" the phone line a number of times to indicate each digit. For example, the digit "5" would be dialed by disconnecting and disconnecting the line 5 times in short intervals of about 100mS. There is about a 1 second pause (with the line connected) between each digit. The timing is not critical and I was able to dial 411 and connect to the local information service just using a momentary push button switch in series with the phone line.

Circuit Operation:

In operation, the switch closure is detected on pin 7 of the processor which activates the reed relay and takes the line off-hook for 3 seconds to establish the dial tone. The processor then dials the number by opening and closing the relay a number of times for each digit. When dialing is complete, the processor waits 3 seconds and then transmits a steady tone of about 300Hz for 30 seconds through the modem transformer. The call is then terminated and the processor waits for the switch to open before resetting.

Design Considerations:

The PIC16F628 (18 pin) processor was selected because I had a few on hand and my homemade hardware programmer only accepts 18 pin devices. A smaller 8 pin device could have been used since only three I/O lines are needed, but the difference in cost is only about $1.50. One of the I/O lines (RA5) is used for programming and is always an input, but can used as a functional input so the switch closure could be detected on this line thus eliminating the need for one pullup resistor. But I elected to use 3 consecutive I/O pins (7,8,9) of the 8 bit port B and leave RA5 pulled up with a extra 10K resistor. The output pins (8,9) that drive the relay and transformer are limited to 25mA of current each, so an extra transistor (2N2222A) was needed to supply additional current to the relay coil.
The transformer resistance is around 100 ohms, so an additional 330 ohm resistor was added in series with pin 9 to limit the transformer current to around 10mA. An LED indicator and 330 ohm resistor were used on pin 8 to observe the dialing activity and indicate the line status. Several of the parts (relay, transformer and blocking capacitor) were obtained from an old 56K modem card. The schematic shows a 47uF / 50 volt non-polarized capacitor used to block DC current to the transformer, however a regular polarized 50uF cap could be used if correct phone line polarity is observed. The modem was probably designed to work with unknown polarities at different locations, so a non-polarized cap was used.
It's possible the cap and 470 ohm resistor can be replaced with a single resistor in series with the line to set the "off hook" line current to around 20mA. This may cause partial saturation of the transformer and reduced audio level, but might work well enough. The power supply voltage is not critical and a 4.5 volt supply from three AA batteries should work. Or a switching type regulated 5 volt wall transformer can be used. The problem is insuring the relay gets enough voltage to operate. The rest of the circuit should run on reduced voltage. I used a 4.2 volt cell phone charger that worked well.


The program (listed at bottom of page) is written in PIC assembly language which can be edited and compiled using Microchip's development software (MPLAB) available from The development software will generate a compiled HEX file to be loaded into the processor. Also needed is a hardware programmer to download the HEX file into the PIC processor.
I used a homemade programmer and DOS software by David Tait available from Filename (PIC84V05.ZIP). The only program changes needed are the entries for the phone number and the total digits to use.
The assembly code phone number table looks like this which represents a dummy number of 656-7459. Note the digits are in reverse order (top to bottom).

Phone ; Phone Number Table, in reverse order

      addwf       PC,1
      nop               ; No operation
      retlw       d'9'  ; Last digit
      retlw       d'5'
      retlw       d'4'
      retlw       d'7'
      retlw       d'6'
      retlw       d'5'
      retlw       d'6'  ; First digit

The total digits used (7 in this case) are stated in the Dial section.
To use a 3 digit area code, a 7 digit number, and a "1" to begin,
the entry would change to  ( movlw   d'11' ).

Dial ;------- Change this value to indicate total digits -----

      movlw       d'7'         ; Use 7 digit phone number
      movwf       COUNTER

The call duration is assigned on the line (movlw  d'100 ; 30 second tone timer)
just above the "Timeout" section. Increase the "100" value for longer durations
(i.e. 200 = 2 minutes).

Parts List:

PIC 16F628 microcontroller   -  Allied  383-0398
5 Volt Reed relay            -  Allied  681-0156
Modem transformer            -  Mouser  838-TTC-5023
5 Volt wall transformer      -  Jameco  320303PS
470 Ohm Resistor    (1)      -  Allied  296-4682
680 Ohm Resistor    (1)      -  Allied  895-3150
330 Ohm Resistor    (2)      -  Allied  895-3145
10K Resistors       (2)      -  Allied  895-0633
Small Signal Diode  (1)      -  Allied  431-0618
Red LED             (1)      -  Allied  670-1224
2N2222A transistor  (1)      -  Allied  248-1005

;********************* AutoCall.asm 12/25/07 **********************

 LIST P=16F628 ; Device number (PIC16F628)

 ERRORLEVEL -224 ; suppress annoying message because of tris
 ERRORLEVEL -302 ; suppress message because of page change

;--------------------- Configuration ---------------------------------

_BODEN_OFF equ H'3FBF' ; Brown out detection off
_CP_OFF equ H'3FFF' ; Code protection off
_PWRTE_ON equ H'3FF7' ; Power-on reset enabled
_WDT_OFF equ H'3FFB' ; Watch dog timer off
_LVP_OFF equ H'3F7F' ; Low Voltage programming off
_INTRC_OSC_NOCLKOUT equ H'3FFC' ; Use Internal RC Oscillator
_MCLRE_OFF equ H'3FDF' ; Use RA5 as functional input


;--------------------- Define Variables -----------------------------

INDF equ 00h ; Indirect file
FSR equ 04h ; File select register
CMCON equ 1Fh ; Comparator Control Address
INTCON equ 0Bh ; Interrupt control register
OPTION_REG equ 81h ; Option register
STATUS equ 03h ; Status register
TRISA equ 85h ; I/O control for port A
TRISB equ 86h ; I/O control for port B
PORTB equ 06h ; Address of port B
PORTA equ 05h ; Address of port A
PC equ 02h ; Program counter
COUNTER equ 20h ; General purpose Counters
COUNTER1 equ 21h
COUNTER2 equ 22h
COUNTER3 equ 23h
COUNTER4 equ 24h
TEMP equ 25h ; Temporary register

 bsf STATUS,5 ; Select memory bank 1 (01)
 bcf STATUS,6 ; Select memory bank 1 (01)
 movlw b'00000010'
 movwf TRISB ; Set port B as output, RB1 = Input
 movlw b'00100000' ;
 movwf TRISA ; Set port A as output, RA5 = Input
 bcf STATUS,5 ; Reset to bank 0
 bcf STATUS,0 ; Clear carry bit
 bcf STATUS,2 ; Clear zero flag
 bcf STATUS,1 ;
 movlw 07h
 movwf CMCON ; Comparators off
 clrf PORTB
 goto Loop ; Main loop

Phone ; Phone Number Table, in reverse order (656-7459)

 addwf PC,1
 nop ; No operation
 retlw d'9' ; Last digit
 retlw d'5'
 retlw d'4'
 retlw d'7'
 retlw d'6'
 retlw d'5'
 retlw d'6' ; First digit

Loop ;------------------- Main Loop -----------------

 movfw PORTB
 btfsc PORTB,1 ; Read pin 7, skip if clear
 goto Loop
 bsf PORTB,2 ; Close relay
 movlw d'3' ; 3 sec Delay
 movwf COUNTER4

Off_Hook_Delay ; 3 sec delay

 call Digit_Delay
 decfsz COUNTER4,f
 goto Off_Hook_Delay

Dial ;------- Change this value to indicate total digits -----

 movlw d'7' ; Use 7 digit phone number
 movwf COUNTER
 movfw COUNTER
 call Phone ; Get Digit from table
 call Output ; Dial the digit
 call Digit_Delay ; Wait 1 second
 decfsz COUNTER,f
 goto Next ; Do next (1 of 7 digits)
 call Digit_Delay ; Wait 1 second

 movlw d'100' ; 30 second tone timer
 movwf COUNTER
 movwf COUNTER1
 movwf COUNTER2

Timeout ; Generate tone for 30 seconds

 movfw COUNTER
 movwf COUNTER1

 bsf PORTB,3 ; Set pin 9 high
 call Tone_Delay ; Wait 1.5mS
 bcf PORTB,3 ; Set pin 9 low
 call Tone_Delay ; Wait 1.5mS
 decfsz COUNTER1,f
 goto Tone
 decfsz COUNTER2,f
 goto Timeout ; Repeat until COUNTER2=0
 bcf PORTB,2 ; End call, On Hook, Done

Switch_Open ;------------------ Wait for switch open

 movfw PORTB
 btfss PORTB,1 ; Look at pin 7
 goto Switch_Open ; Loop until pin 7 is high
 call Digit_Delay ; Wait 1 second
 goto Loop ; Restart

;------------------ End sequence, restart from top ------

Tone_Delay ; 300 Hz Tone

 movlw d'255'
 movwf TEMP

 decfsz TEMP,f
 goto Loop_4


Output ; Open relay for each pulse

 movwf COUNTER1 ; Number of pulses


 bcf PORTB,2 ; Set Pin 8 low
 call Pulse_Delay
 bsf PORTB,2 ; Set pin 8 high
 call Pulse_Delay
 decfsz COUNTER1,f
 goto Next_Pulse ; Repeat until COUNTER1=0


 movlw d'150' ; 60 mS Delay
 movwf TEMP
 movwf COUNTER2
 decfsz COUNTER2,f
 goto Loop_2
 decfsz TEMP,f
 goto Loop_1


 movlw d'16' ; 1 sec Delay
 movwf COUNTER3
 call Pulse_Delay
 decfsz COUNTER3,f
 goto Loop_3


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